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送交者: Peter93 2015年01月31日12:07:01 于 [美国移民] 发送悄悄话

What Documents Should Be Used for EB-1C Multinational Executive or Manager Petition?




I am a L-1A visa holder for 2 years, and want to apply for Green Card in the category of EB1 Multinational Executive or Manager petition (EB-1C). How difficult is it to have EB-1C petition approved? What eligibility criteria and documents should be used in the case of EB-1C Multinational Executive or Manager petitions in Form I-140?




The burden of proof in EB1 Multinational Executive or Manager petition (EB-1C) rests solely with the petitioner. The petitioner has to provide substantial evidence of the U.S. employer and the alien employee's position and duties. If an alien beneficiary is qualified for EB-1C petition with Form I-140, the probability of an EB-1C petition's success depends largely on the way the case is presented by the U.S. employer. 


If the evidence is relevant and well presented, and the argument is made persuasively, then the case should be approved routinely. The EB1 Multinational Executive or Manager petition should include the follow documents: 



1) provide evidence and a cover letter that describes the name of the foreign employer; 


2) the position offered in the U.S.; 


3) the position held abroad and the years of employment as well as the date the beneficiary transferred to the U.S.; 


4) state the claimed relationship between the foreign employer and the U.S. petitioner, i.e. affiliates, subsidiary, joint venture etc.; 


5) provide evidence that the U.S. employer has been doing business for at least one year prior to the filing of the petition.






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