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On the road
送交者: jingchen 2019年07月17日22:31:04 于 [美国移民] 发送悄悄话

We went to Palouse Fall. The road was completely empty. There was not even a single oncoming car. I wonder if I drive on the wrong road. I pulled off the car and checked the map. It was right.

Palouse Fall area was pretty magnificent with all the deep canyons. I read the introduction about the formation of the canyons. The canyon rocks are basalt. With the movement of the earth’s crust, some basalt formed cracks or became weakened, often along some fault lines. When water washed along those fault lines, deep canyons formed as a result.

Then we drove to Boise, Idaho. We stopped by the state capitol building. There were some statues and parks around the building. One statue was Steunenberg, an Idaho governor at 1900. He was assassinated in 1905 by labor union for taking a tough stand against union movement as a governor. This reminds us a time when domestic politics was very confrontational and violent.

I also learned that River of No Return was made in Idaho. From a small segment from the movie, we might have a glimpse of the Idaho rivers.


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