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送交者: 山蛟龍 2019年03月21日16:14:09 於 [加國移民] 發送悄悄話


一、CCIR, Canadian Council Insurance Regulation,加拿大保險監管委員會



The Canadian Council of Insurance Regulators (CCIR) is an inter-jurisdictional association of insurance regulators. The mandate of the CCIR is to facilitate and promote an efficient and effective insurance regulatory system in Canada to serve the public interest. We work together to develop solutions to common regulatory issues.The Canadian Council of Insurance Regulators (CCIR) is an association of insurance regulators.

CCIR’s strategic plan describes a vision for the organization into the future, outlining priorities and initiatives to be undertaken over a three year planning period.

CCIR is one of the three members of the Joint Forum of Financial Market Regulators (Joint Forum). The other Joint Forum members are the Canadian Association of Pension Supervisory Authorities (CAPSA) and the Canadian Securities Administrators (CSA). It also includes representation from the Canadian Insurance Services Regulatory Organizations (CISRO).

二、CISRO,Canadian Insurance Services Regulatory Organizations,加拿大保險服務監管組織

這也是一個全國性的機構,是監管保險業服務標準的機構,也是通過制定服務標準來達到監管的目標,其主要監管對象是保險公司、保險中介組織(如brokerageMGAAGA)、保險經紀(insurance agent)和保險代理(insurance broker),同時協調各省的監管標準達到一致,與各省的監管機構有密切的合作。





The Canadian Insurance Services Regulatory Organizations is an inter jurisdictional group of regulating authorities who are dedicated to developing consistent standards of qualifications and practice for insurance intermediaries dealing in insurance of persons and property.

Its goals and objectives include creating a common voice to deal with issues that may be of interest to other financial services regulators, consumers and intermediaries.


CISRO consists of the regulatory authorities for insurance intermediaries from all Canadian jurisdictions. The appropriate authorities from all jurisdictions in Canada are regularly invited and are welcome to participate in CISRO’s activities.

The principal responsibility of members of CISRO is to administer the regulatory system applicable to insurance intermediaries under their authority. Though CISRO members cannot enact legislation, they are key advisors to their governments on regulatory issues related to insurance intermediaries.

CISRO accomplishes its mission through meetings, conference calls and on-going communication among its members providing opportunities for sharing of information and working together in collaboration in the development of coordinated solutions to common regulatory issues.


Harmonized or mutually recognized qualifications and practice standards for insurance intermediaries to provide appropriate levels of consumer protection throughout Canada.

三、FSCO,Financial Service Commission of Ontario,安省金融服務委員會



FSCO was established under the Financial Services Commission of Ontario Act, 1997 (FSCO Act) with a legislative mandate set out in the FSCO Act.  

FSCO’s legislative mandate is to provide regulatory services that protect the public interest and enhance public confidence in the sectors it regulates.

FSCO regulates the insurance sector; pension plans; loan and trust companies; credit unions and caisses populaires; the mortgage brokering sector; co-operative corporations in Ontario; and service providers who invoice auto insurers for statutory accident benefits claims. FSCO is accountable to the Minister of Finance. 

In order to support FSCO’s legislative mandate, the FSCO Act sets out a three-part structure for FSCO, which includes the Commission; the Superintendent of Financial Services and Staff; and the Financial Services Tribunal (Tribunal).

從這些簡簡單單的legislativemandate egulatestatutoryprotect等字面上就能看出這個機構的威猛,特別是對保險與按揭業務的從業者來說,當然反過來看,這個機構卻是公眾利益的保護神。

註:在這裡我想插進來解釋一下agent 與broker的區別。

Agent是中介,即中間人;Broker是代理人代理商的意思。這兩種人的角色不但普通民眾搞不清楚,甚至保險從業員也不見得搞得清楚,可能的原因是英文與中文的翻譯,造成這兩種角色似乎是同一個意思的感覺。不過,還是有區別的。一般來說,人壽保險的中介,叫做 insurance agent;而財險的代理人叫做insurance broker。(本人兩者兼具。)其主要區別在哪裡呢?人壽保險可以part-time做,但財險不可以。財險必須全職做。說到這裡大家可能會疑問,那你為何可以做兩種保險呢?這是財險所特事特辦的,即做財險業務的同時兼做人壽業務是可以的,但其他自雇業務,如地產經紀、按揭經紀、投資顧問等業務是不可以做的(本人在考了財險牌照之後,就不得不放棄互惠基金牌照)。如果不做財險業務,只做人壽保險,那就可以兼做按揭或地產經紀業務。

四、RIBO,Registered Insurance Broker of Ontario,安省註冊保險代理人機構



The Registered Insurance Brokers of Ontario (RIBO) is the self-regulatory body for insurance brokers in Ontario. Established in October 1981, RIBO regulates the licensing, professional competence, ethical conduct, and insurance related financial obligations of all independent general insurance brokers in the province.

Mission, Values & Vision

Our VISION is to be a centre of progressive regulatory excellence for Ontario insurance brokers and the public they serve.

We are driven by our shared VALUES of:

  • Fairness

  • Integrity

  • Sensitivity

  • Knowledge

Our MISSION is to serve the public and regulate the profession.

五、IBAO,Insurance Brokers Association of Ontario,安省保險經紀人協會



我不知道該怎麼解釋這個機構,它不是一個公司,而是一個非盈利機構,是為人壽保險公司破產倒閉的最終處置者(包括理賠與找到失敗公司的接盤俠)。它不可以稱為再保險公司(因為再保險公司還是保險公司,業務在做再保業務),而這個Assuris是政府為人壽保險公司進行兜底的保險機構,它與CDIC(Canadian Deposit Insurance Corporation)之於銀行是同一個道理,是這樣的一個機構。(本人有專門寫過一篇文章,題目是《保險公司倒閉了怎麼辦?》,有興趣的朋友可以點擊或搜索查看。)


Assuris - Protecting your life insurance

Assuris is the not for profit organization that protects Canadian policyholders if their life insurance company should fail. 

Our role is to protect policyholders by minimizing the loss of benefits and ensuring a quick transfer of their policies to a solvent company, where their protected benefits will continue. 

Every life insurance company authorized to sell insurance policies in Canada is required, by the federal, provincial and territorial regulators, to become a member of Assuris. 



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