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Granville Island
送交者: jingchen 2019年10月20日16:14:18 于 [加国移民] 发送悄悄话

Granville Island 

Most artists are dirt poor. They usually live in the cheapest places, often in the industrial areas. Granville Island used to be an industrial area. Even today, there is still a working cement company on Granville Island. From time to time, cement trucks roll out the factory and roar in the mostly quiet neighborhood.

When more and more artists congregate in one place, it gradually attract the attention of art patrons. The description of the place also undergoes a transformation. It is no more correct to call this place ugly or rundown. Instead, it has to be funky or chic. Granville Island is such a funky and chic place. It attracts busloads of tourists from all over the world, as well as idiotic locals, such as myself.

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