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You can criticize him
送交者: c_y_lo 2014月06月28日00:27:42 于 [教育学术] 发送悄悄话
回  答: Gerard 't Hooft 最近回信不让俺重投xyz12345 于 2014-06-26 15:50:34
I criticize his Nobel Lecture as follows:

't Hooft also claimed in his Nobel Lecture [41] that the electric energy is
part of the physical mass mphys of an electron. Moreover, he claimed this "physical mass" obeys
Newton's second law F = mphys a. Note that such a claim violates
special relativity because part of the electric energy is far from the electron
and thus cannot react immediately as an inertial mass does. Another Nobel
Laureate Wilczek [42] also incorrectly applied m = E/c2 without
providing a justification. His problem is that he cannot be distinct about the
issue that a type of energy is equivalent to mass is different from that the
mass is equivalent to energy.

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