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Errors of Einstein
送交者: c_y_lo 2014月07月29日12:04:00 于 [教育学术] 发送悄悄话
回  答: Errors in Relavity.c_y_lo 于 2014-07-29 11:59:06

The Bending of Light, Necessity of the Anti-Gravity Coupling
and the Lorentz-Levi-Einstein Equation

--the Achievements and Crucial Errors
of Einstein in Relativity--

                                                                         C. Y. Lo


bending of light experiment makes general relativity famous. An implicit assumption
was that the gravitational effect of an electromagnetic wave is negligible. To
show this, because the Einstein equation with an electromagnetic wave as a
source is inadequate, surprisingly Einstein was wrong. To have a physically
gravitational effect, the related Einstein equation must additionally have a
photonic energy-stress tensor with an anti-gravity coupling. This also resolves
the problem that the electromagnetic energy is not equivalent to mass although the
energy of photons does. Currently, it was implicitly assumed that all the
coupling constants have the same sign as included in their energy conditions in
the space-time singularity theorems of Hawking and Penrose. Thus, their
singularity theorems are actually irrelevant to physics because of invalid
physical assumptions; and their claim that general relativity is invalid for
microscopic phenomena, is proven false. For massive sources, general relativity
actually has no dynamic solution for a two-body problem as in Newtonian theory.
This supports the Lorentz-Levi-Einstein equation that includes the
gravitational energy-stress tensor with an anti-gravity coupling. In summary, due
to inadequate understanding of the principle of causality, Einstein has three
major errors: 1) He has mistaken that the Einstein equation had dynamic
solutions, 2) He incorrectly speculated that E = mc2 was generally
valid although he failed to prove this in several attempts. 3) He invalidly
rejected repulsive gravitation.

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