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The facts are that the West
送交者: abc55 2015月02月28日14:26:08 于 [教育学术] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 一组图告诉你中美高中生的差别!阿九 于 2015-02-26 21:12:50

has been importing the most brilliant graduates of science and engineering from the East for at least two decades. The west has started to study the reasons why the Western education system has failed their children's education in science and engineering, and also the reasons why the Western education system can not produce the best graduates in science and engineering, and now the west is trying to importing the logic of the traditional way of learning from the Chinese education system.

Like anything else, nothing is perfect.  China's education system needs improving, but it should not be replaced by the western education system which is, in fact, in serious trouble.

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