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He got a point this time?
送交者: 言真轻 2009月02月09日11:17:51 于 [教育学术] 发送悄悄话
回  答: u got a point this time but空军大院 于 2009-02-09 06:24:05
That will never ever happen to him. Trust me! It is partly because his stupidity and partly because his blocking mind. Illiteracy has different statistic standards and perceptions in western countries and in China. They are totally incomparable. Shameless Chinese government is using individual's words count to replace literacy rate that is focused on reading capability rather than words count. This is not to mention that Chinese government is using very low words count(1900 for farmers and 2200 for urban population) as a standard to fool the whole world.

别说浙大如何如何,Just looking at what Chinese government is doing, anyone will know what is going on in that country.
  Excuse my ignorance - 空军大院 02/09/09 (259)
    There is huge difference - 言真轻 02/09/09 (227)
      You remind me of someone I met - 空军大院 02/09/09 (196)
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