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Repost: An interesting
送交者: littelfat 2009月03月23日09:38:04 于 [教育学术] 发送悄悄话
回  答: n interesting paragraph fromlittelfat 于 2009-03-23 09:34:32
paragraph from wiki on Kurt Godel, the famous logician and mathematician who first proved the incompleteness theorem about formal and axiomatic systems

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The Kurt Gödel Society, founded in 1987, was named in his honor. It is an international organization for the promotion of research in the areas of logic, philosophy, and the history of mathematics.

Religious views
Gödel was a convinced theist and a lifelong Lutheran. He rejected the notion that God was impersonal, as Einstein believed. He believed firmly in an afterlife, stating: “I am convinced of the afterlife, independent of theology. If the world is rationally constructed, there must be an afterlife."[11]

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Hard to believe, isn't it? How can such a rational and logical person turn out to be a religious freak.
    还有nash, contour, etc. etc.  /无内容 - 定理 03/23/09 (159)
  I'm also surprised that Godel - littelfat 03/23/09 (203)
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