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Temperature dependence of grav
送交者: c_y_lo 2016年01月15日21:31:36 于 [教育学术] 发送悄悄话

The Observable Temperature Dependence of Gravitation


C. Y. Lo

Applied and Pure Research Institute

15 Walnut Hill Rd., Amherst, NH 03031

email: c_y_lo@yahoo.com



       Newton's inverse-square law of gravitation is the oldest standing mathematical description of a fundamental interaction. However, Galileo, Newton, and Einstein failed to explain the Anomaly of the Space-Probes and flybys. Moreover, they also failed to explain experiments on the weight reductions of a charged metal ball, a charged capacitor and heated-up metal. They did not see that gravitation is actually a combination of effects. In particular, the formula E = mc2 misled us to believe that all the gravitation is attractive. In fact, if gravitation is a force acting on the mass, it is a combination of at least attractive forces and a repulsive force. The observation of Galileo is actually incomplete because the existence of repulsive gravitation can lead to neutral matter with different falling accelerations. The repulsive gravitational force is very weak and thus escaped detection for a long time. However, now the advancement of technology and theoretical developments allow a direct observation of the repulsive gravitational effects by using a sensitive balance scale. In this article, we shall describe an outstanding experiment on observing repulsive gravitation done by Li Hua-Wang in Dan Dong, China.

KeyWORDS: repulsive gravitation; invalidity of E = mc2.

PACS: 04.20.Cv

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