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Errors in the Fields Medel
送交者: c_y_lo 2016年11月24日11:23:58 于 [教育学术] 发送悄悄话

A letter to the International Mathematics Union

on the Errors in the Fields Medal Awards

C. Y. Lo

Applied and Pure Research Institute

15 Walnut Hill Rd., Amherst, NH 03031


Since Einstein's theory is proven to be not self-consistent and incomplete, the positive mass theorem of S. T. Yau, which implied Einstein's theory would be consistent and stable is clearly incorrect. This error is due to that Yau does not understand physics. Apparently, Yau did not know that the Einstein equation does not have any bounded dynamic solution because he has never attempted to obtain one. Consequently, Yau was not aware that his assumption has already excluded the dynamic solutions. This error in the Fields Medal Awards is due to that those mathematicians responsible for the awards do not understand physics, and have a blind faith on Einstein. Thus, this error continued in  the 1990 Fields Medal to E. Witten.

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