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送交者: hare 2017年08月27日05:32:53 于 [教育学术] 发送悄悄话

After discussion with Pascal, I sense that probably the following is both agreed:



 What Kind of Art Work Can Become an Instant Classic - On Hu Jie 's Famine themed Woodblock Prints

2017-03-06 Shui Hao

A Historical Survey of Hu Jie 's Well Known Woodblock Printing of famine theme

The famine related thematic woodblock printing created by Hu Jie herewith consists of three major sections: "Let There be Light ", "We" and " Reform Through Labor " respectively.(OK)

If you have been aware of the Great Famine in contemporary China, it is advisable to take a deep breath to calm yourself before you open this package of famine themed prints, for the ensuing visual effect  would render anyone’s gut wrenching.

Of course, if you already started throbbing uncontrollably, it is a sign of art echoing the call of your humanity reawakened. Furthermore, if you also sensed the crudity of life and of the social system, it still cannot count as your contribution to the fight against evil. Perhaps you still await for others to eliminate all the injustice in life so that you might be able to entertain the liberty to shed tears with your colleagues on the famine theme or compose a message on Wechat.

Art, not only results in those effects. Hu Jie's art of famine, the thematic woodcut, aims to express more. We need more imagination to examine Chinese's ability to act, to find a new truth, to comprehend the art revealed by the sense of common human dignity which must depend on the underlying system to protect its security and content. No empty talk or fiction allowed.

  我只希望有真才实学的讨论 - hare 08/27/17 (459)
    For reference - hare 08/27/17 (453)
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