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On the Gravitational Waves
送交者: c_y_lo 2017年10月07日21:33:34 于 [教育学术] 发送悄悄话

Dear Mr. Liu:

The Nobel Prize Committee claimed that they have proved Einstein's prediction. However, the full story is actually far more complicated.

Einstein was not sure that the gravitation wave exists although it could have the speed of light. He [1, 2] was puzzled by the facts that the Einstein equation implies no gravitational wave although the linearized equation shows its existence. In fact, Einstein concluded his talk on gravitational waves at Princeton  University by saying [3] “If you ask me whether there are gravitational waves or not, I must answer that I do not know. But it is a highly interesting problem.” Thus, Einstein's last words on this subject were that "I do not know." So, Einstein did  not make any prediction on the existence of the gravitational wave although he started such an issue.

However, in 2006 I wrote two papers on the existence of gravitational waves and the issue of photons [4, 5]. Thus, I become. in fact, the first to prediction the existence of gravitational waves. So, if the experiments confirm the existence of gravitational wave, they actually confirm my prediction. They probably did not know this fact since the Nobel Prize Committee is led by a group of people, who did not read anything beyond papers published by a limited group of people. 

In fact, I have written a paper " The Necessary Existence of Gravitational Waves and the Repulsive Gravitation" on this subject and presented it in the Korea conference in May 25, 2017. Now, this paper has been published in the Journal of Physical Science and Application. The paper is attached herewith for your perusal. Any comments and suggestion you may have will be appreciated. Thank you.

It should be noted that so far there is no other valid calculation that predicts the existence of the gravitational wave. As Einstein find out that his equation did not predict the existence of gravitational wave. Einstein's puzzle is due to that he as well as many theorists did not know that for the dynamic case, the nonlinear equation and the linearized equation are independent equations. Others who have claimed they have done a valid calculation is only that they have made mistakes, but unaware of them because of inadequacy in mathematics as many physicists often do in gravitational calculations as I have reported to Dr. Kate Kirby in the March 2017 APS Business meeting. I get the conclusion on the existence of gravitational wave because I have make, according to experiments, the necessary modifications of the Einstein equation that is allowed by Einstein.

Thank you very much very much for your interest

Sincerely yours,

C. Y. Lo



1.     A. Einstein & N. Rosen, J. Franklin Inst. 223: 43 (1937).

2.     A. Einstein, The Born Einstein Letters: Friendship, Politics, and Physics in Uncertain Times (MacMillan,  New York (2005), p. 122.

3.     L. Infeld, Quest: An Autobiography (Chelsea, New York, 1980).

4.     C. Y. Lo, The Gravity of Photons and the Necessary Rectification of Einstein Equation, Prog. in Phys., V. 1, 46-51 (2006).

5.     C. Y. Lo, Completing Einstein’s Proof of E = mc2, Progress in Phys., Vol. 4, 14-18 (2006).

6.     C. Y. Lo, The Necessary Existence of Gravitational Waves and the Repulsive Gravitation, Journal of Physical Science and Application 7 (3) (2017) 1-14.

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