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Learning, memory and decision making
送交者: jingchen 2017年12月22日16:01:53 于 [教育学术] 发送悄悄话

When we download data and apps, they help speed up processing on specific problems. However, these data and apps take spaces in our computers and make our computers congested. Over time, our computers run slower, just like cars on a crowded road.

Similarly, each time we learn or memorize new things, we become better at those specific things. We seem smarter. But if we learn or memorize too many things, our brain become congested or distracted by many things. Our ability to make important judgments or decisions declines, although often at imperceptible pace over a short period of time. Every time we learn new things, we feel more knowledgeable, more competitive. But over long time, we don’t seem to get ahead. This is because our accumulated learning slows down and reduce our capacity in thinking.

There is no golden rule on how much each of us should learn and memorize. But deleting apps that are not very useful and resisting adding every new popular apps are vital to keep our computers workable over long term. Similarly, forgetting and resisting learning every new fad are vital to keep our mind alert over long term.

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