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Inoutscripts / Nesote软件存在的主要问题
送交者: xiaob 2018年09月10日07:41:44 于 [教育学术] 发送悄悄话

What are the wrongdoings of  Inoutscripts / Nesote?

Spamming: They have published thousands of advertising and overstated articles at their domains and social media to induce to purchase their fake softwares.

Scamming: The Inout Scripts are full of bugs and errors,a nd none of them are working. These scripts even caused the failure of servers. I purchased 4 Inout Apps, but they gave me nothing. They never fixed any bugs.

Stealing: I paid them $480 to integrate the Nutch with the Inout Search, since the Inout Spider did not work, but they did not get it done. They even ironically said it was wrong with the Apache Nutch.

Lying: They always blamed the servers whichever you used, even the servers meet all the requirements they sent me before purchasing. I tried 11 Inout Scripts with our own very advanced Dell servers, godaddy hosting, bluehost hosting, and hostmonster, but no script was working properly. The Inout Scripts sometimes produced a ton of core files (error log) and occupied all the disk in no time, and finally caused the failure of the servers.

Lazy: The tech supporters, Nair and Saranya, always said I was on vacation or holidays. They developers always said I was too busy to serve you right now. It took 2 months to integrate Nutch with the Inout Search Engine, and finally I got nothing working.

They never refund you, once you paid them. Don't buy any scripts from Inoutscripts / Nesote to avoid loss. This was my own experience with this terrible Indian scamming company, Inoutscripts / Nesote.

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