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Carbon dioxide and vegetation density
送交者: jingchen 2019年12月25日09:57:50 於 [教育學術] 發送悄悄話

Carbon dioxide, plant density, climate and geographical change 

Carbon dioxide is the main ingredient for plants. When carbon dioxide increases, vegetations increase. Deserts turn into grasslands. Forests become lusher. The earth becomes greener. After all, carbon dioxide is a green house gas. 

Vegetations absorbs more solar energy than rocks and sands. With greater coverage of plants on the earth, plants absorb more solar energy. Surface temperature declines and air becomes more moist. This will increase rainfall, which will lower temperature further. With the increase of vegetation and the increase of rainfall, temperatures increases in most places are modest, if at all.

The temperature increase caused by the increase of carbon dioxide mainly occur in cold areas and cold season. Higher temperature shortens the time period of snow covering. Soil and vegetation reflect less solar light than snow and ice. This further increases the surface temperature. The positive feedback may cause significant temperature increase in cold areas and cold season. The increase of carbon dioxide makes winter season a little bit milder. The increase of carbon dioxide makes the bitter North a little bit gentler.

The increase of vegetation increase the absorption of water. The increase of vegetation turns more rocks and sands into soil, which absorb more water than sand and rock. With the increase of  vegetation, more water is fixed on land. This will offset, at least in part, the melting of ice in cold areas. This is why the feared predictions of huge sea level rise have to be put into further and further distant future.

The increase of carbon dioxide increases vegetation density and increases the amount of arable land. This increases the global agricultural output. Due to the increase of carbon dioxide, less plants are hungry, and less people are hungry. Carbon is the foundation of life. This is known to every organic chemist and should be known to every academics. 

Carbon dioxide is a green house gas. The increase of carbon dioxide makes the earth a greener place.  It is an irony that the Green Party campaigns so hard against a green house gas that makes the world greener. 

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