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A quick word on 汉语vs. English
送交者: 文字狱 2009年01月05日23:17:03 于 [教育学术] 发送悄悄话
The recent discussion here on the comparison of 汉语 and the English language is a huge topic. Each of the views expressed touches upon aspects of the subject, yet none has addressed the issue from the level of civilization identity. While a decent study of the subject is way beyond the capacity of myself, and of everyone who has opined here, it's helpful to start by looking at the following quote from Samuel Huntington "Civilizations are differentiated from each other by history, language, culture, tradition and, most important, religion." and proceed to ask ourselves the following question: If we relinquish 汉语/汉字, the very essence of our language, what remains of our cultural identity? I'd like to specifically pose this question to 言真轻, who seems to have given some serious thoughts to and has made some very good points on the "demerits" of 汉语. Please go beyond the technicality of the two languages and look at the issue from a cultural perspective.
    Thanks for taking the time - 文字狱 01/06/09 (174)
      都愚昧得很 你哪个level可以直接和"神"交流 晕不晕啊  /无内容 - 万尊 01/06/09 (179)
    Can you clarify? - stinger 01/06/09 (276)
        anything else than language .. - stinger 01/06/09 (277)
          民主是建立在法律,道德,充分的社会交流之上的 - 言真轻 01/06/09 (268)
            it is my feeling... - stinger 01/06/09 (211)
  一开口就象个傻叉 - 别装深沉! - 万尊 01/06/09 (211)
      全场响起了热烈的掌声!字字千金!  /无内容 - 小欣 01/06/09 (285)
  Gang of 5 - stinger 01/06/09 (220)
  There'll be no 折腾 & etc. - xpt 01/06/09 (181)
    別誤己誤人了 - 一目 01/06/09 (484)
      是前提 - 基甸恩典 01/06/09 (308)
        希望可以殊途同歸 - 一目 01/06/09 (374)
          一百年前了解的人总该很多吧,那时的中国还不是处处挨打?  /无内容 - 国家 01/06/09 (343)
            這樣的水平, 還在宣揚基督. - 一目 01/07/09 (237)
            儒家是无根的文化,依附各个强者,消灭同代弱者的声音。  /无内容 - 国家 01/06/09 (254)
          "根本不需要宗教"? - stinger 01/06/09 (289)
            是的, 宗教可有可無 - 一目 01/07/09 (182)
      是管理學院的教授們  /无内容 - 一目 01/06/09 (275)
    说得好,中国文化就像浮萍一样是无根的!  /无内容 - 国家 01/06/09 (199)
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