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cardiopulmonary bypass paradox
送交者: huabin 2013年02月10日06:57:02 于 [教育学术] 发送悄悄话


We have put forward a new theory of "cardiopulmonary bypass Paradox" for first time in the world. Welcome you –specialist, discussing the views and pointing out the problems in this article.
( see--> http://ckrd.cnki.net/grid20/detail.aspx... )

Qu Du, Qu Qiang, et al: The paradox, mechanism and clinical approach in ischaemic reperfusion injury during cardiopulmonary bypass surgery –A unified scheme for various types of heart lung and brain protection during extracorporeal circulation (ECC), HeiLongJiang Medical Journal,2009; 33(1): 1 – 12 (in China)


As designing cadiopulmonary bypass "CPB "in 1953, Gibbon maybe not thought that: the birth of CPB is for the prevention of ischemic reperfusion injury (IRI); but CPB can also induce IRI in turn. This is the problem of Extracorporeal ciuculation paradox "ECCP "or cardiopulmonary bypass Paradox “CPBP”, that is first time proposed by us in the world.

That is, If the CPB can achieve the purpose of the physiological circulation, it is false(because of the problems of cardiopulmonary isolation, heart and lung tissues itself have not blood circulation at this time); the other hand, if the CPB can not achieve the purpose, it is true(as during the safety time limit of heart and lung ischemic injury, CPB can temporarily replace physiological circulation).

Paradox is a special kind of logical contradication, from proposition A can be inferred –A; the other hand, from –A can inferred A; at this time the proposition can be said of a paradox. Excerpt from the “Ci Hai”(ShangHai dictionary publishing house, 1999 edition, P2809).

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