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I am a scientist
送交者: c_y_lo 2013年09月19日15:13:57 于 [教育学术] 发送悄悄话

A Statement of C. Y. Lo

I am a scientist, who has spent 23 years to study Einstein’s general relativity. I would like to share my results with others.

My two major conclusions are:

1. Einstein’s equation has no dynamic solution, in spite of the claim of Einstein. Thus, Einstein is wrong, and needs rectification, but A. Gullstrand, the Chairman (1922-1929) of the Nobel Committee for Physics is right.

2. Einstein’s conjecture of unification, in contrast to the opinions of many experts, is correct since the charge-mass interaction has been found and verified. Thus, Einstein is benefited by my rectification.

These two new findings would create lots of new jobs, both theoretical and experimental. However, since even Einstein is wrong, the theoretical establishment is deeply shaken. Probably, they also make more than 80% of those working on general relativity related problems lose their job or the prestige as an expert. Thus, although my work has the theoretical and experimental supports, the establishment stonewalled my work. I am a graduate of MIT. When Professor P. Morrison was alive, I got support from him in spite of the odds against the majority. After P. Morrison passed away, I also get stonewalled from the Physics Department because I exposed their ignorance on general relativity.

However, the MIT administration has a more open attitude because in 2007 when they tried to have a conference with the Chinese in Beijing on gravitation, I informed them that there are problems in current theories of general relativity. What I heard later is that the meeting was postponed indefinitely. Apparently, these problems have not been settled yet. 

       The current theorists always loose their arguments with me, although they have sent the perceived most capable applied mathematician ‘t Hooft for the job. Then, they change their attitude of challenge to stonewall my work. This also becomes the attitude of most physicists working on the field of gravitation because they know that they cannot win. However, their own interest is to keep the wrong theory. For the progress in physics, it seems that the only way out is to have an open conference to settle the issues publicly.

It is possible that some theorists would be against an open debate. To settle them, I would suggest that they should challenge me with emails.


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