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假冒偽劣的“官方網站”-official website
送交者: 好啊好啊 2013年11月05日16:27:14 於 [教育學術] 發送悄悄話

假冒劣的“官方網站” ---從official website一詞的中文翻譯想到的


但是,多年以來,一直存在着一個困惑好啊好啊的問題,那就是中文的“官方網站”一。身正宗外人士的好啊好啊認為官方網站一是從official website或者official site的英文翻譯過來的。但是,無如何,看着個中文的着那麼


可是將official website官方網站,就不那麼人感到名副其了。不知道是什麼人official website詞進行翻的。但是,好啊好啊得可以肯定的是,他/她一定是一位深受尊敬的中國互網事的先者。可能是出身的故吧,文學修養有瑕疵,的翻不是那麼精準確切。背了清末新興資產階級蒙思想家、翻師嚴提倡的“信,達,雅”的准。


而“official website”也就是一個技術詞組,在翻譯過程中,本不存在在“達”的方面理解的困,同也不存在着“雅”的方面表達的障礙。可是,一不留神,在廣使用的翻而來的中文“官方網站”一卻在第一重要的“信”上出了一些問題,那就是並沒有準確地表達的意思,有着歪曲其意的象存在。然無如何理解那都是無意的。


再來看看英文中的official的意思,在英文中大體上是如此描述的,An official is someone who holds an office (function or mandate, regardless whether it carries an actual working space with it) in an organization or  gavernment and participates in the exercise of authority (either his own or that of his superior and/or employer, public or legally private). 是作來描述的,該詞還具有形容的性,其意思就附有和官有關的意思了。在中文典中,我可以看到以下的意思:n. 行政官;公務員[]裁判;高級職員adj. 官方的,法定的;公的,公的;官氣十足;正式的。嘿嘿,

很明official website中的official里是作形容使用的。的確,在中文翻中有很多的官字以及和官有關的文字在那裡着,該詞萬分“官氣十足”。但是,當我看中文的眾多的官方網站,的確可以看到很多各政府以及和國家政有關的位的網站,好啊好啊絕對認為這是毫無錯誤的。可是,除了些政府以及和國家政有關的位的網站之外,在中文的互網汪洋大海的世界中,個人和非政府的網站,博客,微博等等均冠以“官方”二字,些個人以及非政府位(如公司)和“官”是扯不上任何關係的。而其網站,博客和微博前竟然赫赫地冠以“官方”二字,在好啊好啊看來真的有幾分掛羊狗肉的子,滑稽十足,嘿嘿!

official 個英文單詞來源於拉丁,其ficfactfectfeasfeat,意思相當於英文的make,do,中文就表示“做,製作”的意思。office就是簡單而言是做事的地方,但是,不是普通一般人自己做事的地方,而是定俗成地表示正式地大家事、做事的地方,而引深為辦公室,營業處,政府機關,官。從而official也就成了行政官,公務員了。

了了解official website的確切定,好啊好啊將此詞組輸google行搜索,屏幕示,用0.18秒找到 159,000,000 果,也許是好啊好啊資助魯鈍,或者太懶而沒有好好翻頁尋找,竟然沒有找到一條該詞組的解或定。無奈之下,只好求助英文版的基百科全,然而,令人失望的是竟然沒有一個official website的定或解。只不是在英文版的基百科全中找到了一個和official相關的website的解,那就是celebrity website詞組,可是似乎是名人網站的的意思。詞組的英文解就更明了問題A website whose information revolves around a celebrity. This sites can be official (endorsed by the celebrity) or fan made (run by his/her fan, fans, without implicit endorsement).

無奈之下,藉助於自己略懂一點兒的日,想看看日official website是如何翻的。果得知是“公式ウェブサイト”一個亂七八糟的東東,嘿嘿。日文解是:公式ウェブサイト(こうしきウェブサイト)は、法人や著名人などが、広報・広告・PR・販売・顧客対応などを目的として自ら公開しているウェブサイトである。公式サイト、オフィシャルサイトとも呼ぶ。翻成中文後就是“公式網站”,其意思是法人或者著名的人以道、廣告、宣、出售、以及為顧客服務為目的公開的網站,也叫公式サイト(公式網站,相對應official site)、オフィシャルサイト(是日official website的一種表達方式,可以出近似的音來)。這樣看來和英文的celebrity website近似,可又有不同。從elebrity website是個人的,而日文中的公式ウェブサイト除了個人的之外,有各種法人體。但是,從日文中可以看出來,並沒有官方的意思。


好啊好啊認為official website如果在中文翻“正式網站”,可能更恰當一些











附:來自英文基百科的各種網站。下劃的就是celebrity website

can be divided into two broad categories - static and interactive. Interactive
sites are part of the Web 2.0 community of sites, and allow for interactivity
between the site owner and site visitors.
Static sites
serve or capture information but do not allow engagement with the audience

Type of Website             Description      Examples    Affiliate

A site, typically few in pages, whose
purpose is to sell a third party's product. The seller receives a commission
for facilitating the sale.    

Affiliate Agency

Enabled portal that renders not only its
custom CMS but also syndicated content from other content providers for an
agreed fee. There are usually three relationship tiers. Affiliate Agencies

(e.g., Commission Junction), Advertisers
(e.g., eBay) and consumer (e.g., Yahoo!). Archive site

Used to preserve valuable electronic
content threatened with extinction. Two examples are: Internet Archive, which
since 1996 has preserved billions of old (and new) web pages; and Google
Groups, which in early 2005 was archiving over 845,000,000 messages posted to
Usenet news/discussion groups. Internet
Archive, Google Groups Attack site

A site created specifically to attack
visitors' computers on their first visit to a website by downloading a file
(usually a trojan horse). These websites rely on unsuspecting users with poor
anti-virus protection in their computers. 

Blog (web log)

Sites generally used to post online diaries
which may include discussion forums (e.g., blogger, Xanga). Many bloggers use
blogs like an editorial section of a newspaper to express their ideas on
anything ranging from politics to religion to video games to parenting, along
with anything in between. Some bloggers are professional bloggers and they are
paid to blog about a certain subject, and they are usually found on news sites.     WordPress Brand building site              A site with the purpose of
creating an experience of a brand online. These sites usually do not sell
anything, but focus on building the brand. Brand building sites are most common
for low-value, high-volume fast moving consumer goods (FMCG).

Celebrity website

A website whose information revolves around
a celebrity. This sites can be official (endorsed by the celebrity) or fan made
(run by his/her fan, fans, without implicit endorsement).           jimcarrey.com Click-to-donate site

A website that allows the visitor to donate
to charity simply by clicking on a button or answering a question correctly. An
advertiser usually donates to the charity for each correct answer generated.              The Hunger Site, Freerice, Ripple
(charitable organisation) Community site

A site where persons with similar interests
communicate with each other, usually by chat or message boards. Myspace, Facebook, orkut Content site

Sites whose business is the creation and
distribution of original content          (e.g.,
Slate, About.com). Classified Ads site         Sites
publishing classified advertisements       gumtree.com
Corporate website

Used to provide background information
about a business, organization, or service. 

Dating website

A site where users can find other single
people looking for long range relationships, dating, or just friends.              Many of them are pay per services
such as eHarmony and Match.com, but there are many free or partially free
dating sites. Most dating sites today have the functionality of social
networking websites.

Electronic commerce (e-commerce) site              A site offering goods and services
for online sale and enabling online transactions for such sales.    

Forum website

A site where people discuss various topics.       

Gallery Website

A website designed specifically for use as
a Gallery, these may be an art gallery or photo gallery and of commercial or
non-commercial nature.             

Government Site

A website made by the local, state,
department or national government of a country. Usually these sites also
operate websites that are intended to inform tourists or support tourism.     For example, Richmond.com is the geodomain
for Richmond, Virginia. Gripe site

A site devoted to the criticism of a
person, place, corporation, government, or institution.       

Gaming website

Gambling website

A site that lets users play online games.
Some enable people to gamble online.

Humor site

Satirizes, parodies or otherwise exists
solely to amuse.            

Information site            Most websites could fit in this type of website to some
extent many of them are not necessarily for commercial purposes           RateMyProfessors.com, Free Internet
Lexicon and Encyclopedia. Most government, educational and nonprofit
institutions have an informational site.

Media sharing site        A site that enables users to upload and view media such as
pictures, music, and videos

Flickr, YouTube, Google Videos Mirror site

A website that is the replication of
another website. This type of websites are used as a response to spikes in user
visitors. Mirror sites are most commonly used to provide multiple sources of
the same information, and are of particular value as a way of providing
reliable access to large downloads.     

Microblog site

A short and simple form of blogging.
Microblogs are limited to certain amounts of characters and works similar to a
status update on Facebook

Twitter News site

Similar to an information site, but
dedicated to dispensing news, politics, and commentary.   cnn.com Personal website

Websites about an individual or a small
group (such as a family) that contains information or any content that the
individual wishes to include. Such a personal website is different from a
Celebrity website, which can be very expensive and run by a publicist or

Phishing site

a website created to fraudulently acquire
sensitive information, such as passwords and credit card details, by
masquerading as a trustworthy person or business (such as Social Security
Administration, PayPal) in an electronic communication (see Phishing).

p2p/Torrents website

Websites that index torrent files. This
type of website is different from a Bit torrent client which is usually a stand
alone software.             Mininova, The
Pirate Bay, IsoHunt Political site          A
site on which people may voice political views, show political humor,
campaigning for elections, or show information about a certain political party
or ideology.            

Porn site

A site that shows sexually explicit content
for enjoyment and relaxation. They can be similar to a personal website when
it's a website of a porn actor/actress or a media sharing website where user
can upload from their own sexually explicit material to movies made by adult

Question and Answer (Q&A) Site

Answer site is a site where people can ask
questions & get answers.   Yahoo!
Answers, Stack Exchange Network (including Stack Overflow) Rating site

A site on which people can praise or
disparage what is featured.         

Religious site

A site in which people may advertise a
place of worship, or provide inspiration or seek to encourage the faith of a
follower of that religion. 

Review site

A site on which people can post reviews for
products or services.          

School site

a site on which teachers, students, or
administrators can post information about current events at or involving their
school. U.S. elementary-high school websites generally use k12 in the URL  

Scraper site

a site which largely duplicates without
permission the content of another site, without actually pretending to be that
site, in order to capture some of that site's traffic (especially from search
engines) and profit from advertising revenue or in other ways.

Search engine site        A website that indexes material on the Internet or an
intranet (and lately on traditional media such as books and newspapers)and
provides links to information as a response to a query.   Google Search, Bing, GoodSearch, DuckDuckGo Shock site

Includes images or other material that is
intended to be offensive to most viewers      Goatse.cx,
rotten.com Showcase site

Web portals used by individuals and
organisations to showcase things of interest or value    

Social bookmarking site            A site where users share other
content from the Internet and rate and comment on the content.           StumbleUpon and Digg are examples.

Social networking site A site where users could communicate with one
another and share media, such as pictures, videos, music, blogs, etc. with
other users. These may include games and web applications.

Facebook, Orkut, Google+ Warez

A site designed to host or link to
materials such as music, movies and software for the user to download.         


A site that provides a webmail service.              Hotmail, Gmail, Yahoo! Web portal

A site that provides a starting point or a
gateway to other resources on the Internet or an intranet.              msn.com, msnbc.com, yahoo

Wiki site

A site which users collaboratively edit its
content.        Wikipedia, WikiHow, Wikia

- See more at: http://blog.creaders.net/haoahaoa/user_blog_diary.php?did=165039#sthash.XyvBshAK.dpuf
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