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送交者: yellow witch 2014年01月07日14:58:45 于 [教育学术] 发送悄悄话


The Importance of "Self Confidence" in Achieving Your Swimming Goals

Belief is the knowledge that we can do something. It’s the inner feeling that what we undertake, we can accomplish. In belief there is power: our eyes are opened; our opportunities become plain; our visions become realities.

Confidence is belief in yourself to do what has to be done. To do what needs to be done, with faith in your ability to achieve it. To meet new challenges with an expectation that anything is possible. To accept failure as an opportunity to learn from the experience and try again. And try again. And try again if necessary .

Confidence is trying to achieve, and if you fail, knowing that it was the nature of the task or the circumstances or just plain bad luck, not your lack of character. Confidence is learning from that failure and trying again with more energy, more commitment and greater determination.

Confidence it seems, is a skill -- a skill that can be learned. You learned to swim. You learned to dive. You learned butterfly. You can learn to be confident.

Melbourne-based Sports Psychologist Dr Mark Andersen agrees: "Many people believe that confidence is something that comes from the inside, but we probably develop confidence from the models we have around us, that confidence really comes from the outside. If we have coaches, parents, and teachers that model confidence in our abilities and let us know that they think we can do good things, slowly their confidence in us becomes internalized".

Accept who you are and learn to like and respect yourself. Nothing helps build confidence like learning the 3 P’s:

Practice to the best of your ability. Develop a Positive Attitude to trying new tasks. Persevere, Persevere, Persevere.

Ladder of Achievement

100% I Did
90% I Will
80% I Can
70% I Think I Can 60% I Might
50% I Think I Might 40 % What is It? 30% I Wish I Could 
20% I Don’t Know How 10% I Can’t

0% I Won’t

This is called the Ladder of Achievement. It shows how your attitude towards a goal or task can impact your ability to achieve it.

Understand what motivates you to do well so that you can harness your energy in the right directions.

Learn to talk to yourself positively. When the negative thoughts come, learn to replace them with positive ones. I can’t = I can, I won’t = I will. "If you think you can or think you can’t, you’re probably right".

What you believe, you can, with effort and persistence, achieve. Dream a dream, believe in that dream, work towards achieving it, and live the dream.

Talent is important, but there are many talented swimmers who don’t make it to the top. TOUGH, TENACIOUS TRAINING makes up for most talent limitations.

Successful people are not afraid to fail. They have the ability to accept their failures and continue on, knowing that failure is a natural consequence of trying. The law of failure is one of the most powerful of all the success laws because you only really fail when you quit trying. 


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