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Corporate Social Responsibility Index
送交者: 比較政策 2014年02月21日11:54:29 於 [教育學術] 發送悄悄話


US-Japan-China Comparative Policy Research Institute (CPRI)

Corporate Social Responsibility Index (CSRI)


This is the release of CPRI’s research on corporate social responsibility index, with a focus on human rights.  Many companies added environmental factor to their CSR reports, but it is not comparable or fair among energy, manufacturing and software companies, and I noticed some companies inserting this factor to dilute social concerns. At this stage, I include 36 companies (1 in Japan, 6 in China and the rest in the U.S.) based on my personal knowledge and field study on them, since as early as 1992 when I started to work in Japan.  The hundreds documents/articles in English and Chinese in the foot notes extensively show how I reach to conclusion for each company’s CSRI.  I am fully aware of the methodology constrain of this project (being a Ph. D on social research methodology).  Nonetheless, it provides an alternative perspective among so many proposals or indexes on how to gauge corporate social responsibility in the time of globalization mainly driven by large international companies.


A: 80-100, leader

B: 60-80, good citizen

C: 40-60, average effort

D: 20-40, concerned, need improvement

F: 0-20, failure, unethical, unlawful


Jing Zhao

US-Japan-China Comparative Policy Research Institute

November 8, 2012 [V.1.1]

March 21, 2013 [V.1.2]

March 5, 2014 [V.2.1]



A         Google[1]

A-        Intel[2]

B+       Chevron[3]

B-        HP[4], Microsoft[5], Cisco[6], facebook[7]

C+       Dentsu group[8], Adobe Systems[9], Best Buy[10], Boeing[11]

C           Applied Materials[12], eBay[13], China Digital TV[14], JDS Uniphase[15], Sun Microsystems[16], Brocade Communications[17], Visa[18], PG&E[19], SunEdsion[20]

C-         Goldman Sachs[21], China Southern Airlines[22], Juniper Networks[23], Oracle[24], NetApp[25], Symantec[26], Sandisk[27]

D+       Apple[28], PetroChina[29], RadioShack[30], Zynga[31], Baidu[32], Sina[33]

D         Sohu[34]

F          News[35], Yahoo[36]



March 21, 2013: downgraded Apple from C- to D+; downgraded Goldman Sachs from C to C-; upgraded HP from C+ to B-.

March 5, 2014: added B-: facebook, C: PG&E, SunEdison; added more research to HP, Goldman Sachs, Sohu, Microsoft, NetApp, and Yahoo, with more contents on international peace.

[1] http://cpri.tripod.com/cpr2008/google.html . There are three documents on Google at http://cpri.tripod.com/cpr13.html , seven documents on Google at http://cpri.tripod.com/cpr14.html including the final review in Chinese at http://cpri.tripod.com/cpr2010/google2010.html

[6] http://cpri.tripod.com/cpr2008/cisco.pdf . There are fourteen documents on Cisco at http://cpri.tripod.com/cpr14.html including five in Chinese. And new files in 2014: http://cpri.tripod.com/cpr18.html

[8] I worked for two Dentsu group companies 1992-95. http://www.dentsu.com/csr/

[9] I worked in Adobe 2000-2001 as a Quality Engineer. http://www.adobe.com/corporate-responsibility/reports.html

[10] http://cpri.tripod.com/cpr2012/bestbuy.pdf Note: after further communications with Best Buy, I upgraded its CSRI from C to C+.

[11] There are six documents on Boeing at http://cpri.tripod.com/cpr14.html including the final review in Chinese at http://cpri.tripod.com/cpr2010/boeing.pdf

[13] I attended its shareholders meeting and users’ event one time each. http://www.ebayinc.com/social_innovation

[16] http://cpri.tripod.com/cpr2008/sun.html (acquired by Oracle in 2010)

[27] Sandisk did not answer my shareholder letter of human rights concern.

[32] I have been its shareholder. It never replied my letters.

[33] I visited Sina when it started in Silicon Valley in 1999, have been its shareholder, and have used its blog and weibo services after it moved to China.

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