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E=mc^2 & Rectification of GR
送交者: c_y_lo 2014年04月11日15:05:37 于 [教育学术] 发送悄悄话

The Question of E = mc2 and Rectification of Einstein’s General Relativity

C. Y. Lo



The formula E = mc2 is a speculation that was confirmed by Nuclear fission and fusion, but is not valid for the electromagnetic energy alone because the electromagnetic energy-stress tensor is traceless. On the other hand, for the light rays satisfying E = mc2 necessitates the existence of a photonic tensor with an anti-gravity coupling added to the Einstein equation with the source of an electromagnetic wave. This is consistent with the massive dynamic case that the Einstein equation must be rectified to the Lorentz-Levi-Einstein equation. Moreover, because the couplings in the Einstein equation must have different signs for the dynamic case that involves gravitational waves, the space-time singularity theorems of Hawking and Penrose actually are irrelevant to physics. And the positive mass theorem of Schoen and Yau is misleading. The misinterpretation of E = mc2 as generally valid, is responsible for overlooking the charge-mass interaction, which is crucial for the unification of gravitation and electromagnetism. This unification would be the key to many unsolved problems in physics. General validity of E = mc2 is also in disagreement with experiments. It is pointed out that the interpretations of E = mc^2 of both Nobel Laureates, 't Hooft and Wilczek, just like many others, are also incorrect. Obviously their failure would contribute to overlooking the charge-mass interaction.

Key words: Einstein’s Equivalence Principle; dynamic solution; gravitational wave; E = mc2.

04.20.-q, 04.20.Cv

  能否将全文贴出供大家学习?谢谢!  /无内容 - GEORGES3000 05/01/14 (373)
    The paper is published - c_y_lo 05/05/14 (371)
  请教鲁教授:什么叫 Lorentz 对称性? - 水芙蓉 04/16/14 (551)
    Lorentz invariance - c_y_lo 04/17/14 (458)
      看看这篇忽悠 Lorentz invariance 文章 - 水芙蓉 04/17/14 (601)
      谢谢。  /无内容 - 水芙蓉 04/17/14 (487)
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