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It is a controversial doctrine
送交者: AC20169 2018月08月16日22:21:58 于 [史地人物] 发送悄悄话
回  答: The word Trinity is not in theAC20169 于 2018-08-16 22:14:20

Many honest christians admit they don't understand it. Some think they do.

I don't accept any man made doctrine without a thorough understanding.

You are a piece of trash and a disgusting pharisee.

  Trinity was from the Greek - AC20169 08/16/18 (429)
      He was heavily influenced by - AC20169 08/16/18 (486)
        呵呵,你不是基督徒。。。。鉴定完毕。。。。 - 括号 08/16/18 (452)
          The answer is easy , - AC20169 08/16/18 (482)
            Jesus prays in Oneness, not - AC20169 08/16/18 (489)
              John 14 1 plain and simple - AC20169 08/17/18 (473)
                IS JESUS CHRIST GOD,YES OR NO? - 括号 08/17/18 (465)
                  Son of God.  /无内容 - AC20169 08/17/18 (393)
                    再问一遍。。。。。 - 括号 08/17/18 (438)
                      No. YHWH is God. - AC20169 08/17/18 (470)
                        John 17 3 - AC20169 08/17/18 (440)
                          Let - AC20169 08/17/18 (411)
                It is all about the Scripture, - AC20169 08/17/18 (415)
              呵呵,你一掌把路德,加尔文,等等均打出新教。。。。!? - 括号 08/16/18 (448)
                “正义”==》“争议”  /无内容 - 括号 08/16/18 (342)
            只敢回答第二问。。。。。!! - 括号 08/16/18 (451)
        Go search Greek Philosophy and - AC20169 08/16/18 (436)
          呵呵,从一开始就说过,三位一体不出自圣经。。。。 - 括号 08/16/18 (439)
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