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No. YHWH is God.
送交者: AC20169 2018月08月17日00:30:09 于 [史地人物] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 再问一遍。。。。。括号 于 2018-08-17 00:22:17

Jesus Christ is the Son of God.

Jesus was born by Virgin  Mary which was 

A supernatural event. 

Jesus comes to the world as a man and dies as a man.

Trinity is a man made doctrine which is not necessarily truth .

In fact it is a doctrine having been debated for 2000 years.

Don't insert it in the Scripure.

Those theologies are right on something but not everything. Their views are just references.

  John 17 3 - AC20169 08/17/18 (440)
    Let - AC20169 08/17/18 (411)
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