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送交者: 零加一中 2013月01月02日10:37:34 于 [灵机一动] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 尺子整数刻度问题粱远声 于 2013-01-01 21:32:35

Ruler is a bit confusing. Let's use scale for weighing.

With 2 pieces, we can weigh up to 4 by using 1 and 3.

1 = 1

2 = 3 - 1

3 = 3

4 = 1 + 3

With 3 pieces, we can weigh up to 11 by using 1, 3, and 7. Up to 4 are same as above.

5 = 1 + 7 - 3

6 = 7 - 1

7 = 7

8 = 1 + 7

9 = 3 + 7 - 1

10 = 3 + 7

11 = 1 + 3 + 7

Next would be 4 pieces to weigh 19. I believe it can be proved by binary system.

  砝码是活的,尺子是死的 - 车五进二 01/02/13 (28117)
    If you keep 3 rulers, 1, 3, 7, - 零加一中 01/02/13 (22577)
      The problem states one ruler - 车五进二 01/02/13 (18957)
  Better solution. - 零加一中 01/02/13 (11604)
    This should be the optimized - 零加一中 01/02/13 (15116)
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