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送交者: wtxwtx 2017月11月01日22:38:58 于 [灵机一动] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 你们这帮垃圾,测量“重力波”就是测量“引潮力”。给你们一个问姚夭夭 于 2017-10-27 11:59:33

LIGO的原理是:Wikipedia: LIGO.

The parameters in this section refer to the Advanced LIGO experiment. The primary interferometer consists of two beam lines of 4 km length which form a power-recycled Michelson interferometer with Gires–Tournois etalon arms. A pre-stabilized 1064 nm Nd:YAG laser emits a beam with a power of 20 W that passes through a power recycling mirror. The mirror fully transmits light incident from the laser and reflects light from the other side increasing the power of the light field between the mirror and the subsequent beam splitter to 700 W. From the beam splitter the light travels along two orthogonal arms. By the use of partially reflecting mirrors, Fabry–Pérot cavities are created in both arms that increase the effective path length of laser light in the arm. The power of the light field in the cavity is 100 kW.[57]

When a gravitational wave passes through the interferometer, the spacetime in the local area is altered. Depending on the source of the wave and its polarization, this results in an effective change in length of one or both of the cavities. The effective length change between the beams will cause the light currently in the cavity to become very slightly out of phase (antiphase) with the incoming light. The cavity will therefore periodically get very slightly out of coherence and the beams, which are tuned to destructively interfere at the detector, will have a very slight periodically varying detuning. This results in a measurable signal.[58]

After an equivalent of approximately 280 trips down the 4 km length to the far mirrors and back again,[59] the two separate beams leave the arms and recombine at the beam splitter. The beams returning from two arms are kept out of phase so that when the arms are both in coherence and interference (as when there is no gravitational wave passing through), their light waves subtract, and no light should arrive at the photodiode. When a gravitational wave passes through the interferometer, the distances along the arms of the interferometer are shortened and lengthened, causing the beams to become slightly less out of phase. This results in the beams coming in phase, creating a resonance, hence, some light arrives at the photodiode, indicating a signal. Light that does not contain a signal is returned to the interferometer using a power recycling mirror, thus increasing the power of the light in the arms. In actual operation, noise sources can cause movement in the optics which produces similar effects to real gravitational wave signals; a great deal of the art and complexity in the instrument is in finding ways to reduce these spurious motions of the mirrors. Observers compare signals from both sites to reduce the effects of noise.

An interesting fact is that the mechanism for the operation of lasers – stimulated emission – was also predicted by Einstein in 1917[60][61] and then realized by experiments after more than four decades.[62]

      所有高级硬件设计全部都是用D触发器!  /无内容 - wtxwtx 11/03/17 (423)
            不屑就不屑吧。都去搞“量子计算机”吧。同时搜索n个方向。没啥 - 姚夭夭 11/03/17 (453)
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