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送交者: 藤儿 2015年12月23日22:15:32 于 [灵机一动] 发送悄悄话


「eDrink」的制造关键,应该在热电材料(Thermoelectric materials)。即一种能将热能和电能相互转换的功能材料。



热电材料以其独特的性能成为一种很有发展前途的功能材料, 它的应用包括温差发电和温差制冷。







来源:Treehugger 2015-04-14

Teen inventor creates a coffee mug to power your gadgets

coffee powered gadgets

Video screen capture Global News

Sometimes we learn about teens who are already changing the world and giving us great hope for the future. Teens starting e-waste recycling businesses, creating devices to reduce human-wildlife conflict in Africa, and inventing ways to clean up plastic in the ocean.

One of the best-known teen clean technology inventors is 17-year-old Ann Makosinski. At 15 she won the largest prize for her age group in the worldwide Google Science Fair for inventing a hollow flashlight that is powered by the heat of your hand. The flashlight is covered in Peltier tiles which generate electricity from the temperature difference that occurs between the two sides of the tiles when your hand touches the outside.

Queenie Andini/Screen capture

Makosinski has invented a new technology using the same tiles that she will present at a science fair in Pittsburgh soon. The "E-Drink," a coffee cup covered in the Peltier tiles, uses the heat of a hot beverage to charge your gadgets via a USB port on the bottom of the mug. As Makosinski explains, your morning ritual could turn into a way to top off your phone's battery with clean energy.

“I saw how you get a hot drink…and you’d just be waiting and waiting for it to cool down so you can start drinking,” she said.

“Why not harvest some of that lost heat, which is energy, and convert it to electricity?”

She's not giving too many details yet, but her body heat-powered flashlight is already going into production and will have mass distribution, so we feel certain that we'll be reading more about the E-Drink soon enough.

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