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送交者: 沐岚 2015年10月02日15:28:10 于 [五 味 斋] 发送悄悄话

非常喜欢紫荆棘鸟 MM 的组诗古绝《秋》,试着译成英语,不知准确否,请紫鸟 MM 和有兴趣的朋友们指正。

1. 友自秋时别,故我生怅惆。休道今晨冷,不冷不知秋。

Farewell, my friend, 

How wistful I am to see you go. 

Don't say the morning is cold,

Cuz the autumn has come.

2.  叶在春天绿,叶于秋季黄。叶在黄昏落,一落一觞伤。

Leaves green in spring,

Leaves yellow in autumn.

Leaves flutter down at sundown,

A fall of a leaf is my sorrow.

3. 君说菊花洁,君说桂花香。君可言美丽,不可说风霜。

You say the chrysanthemum is pure and clean,  

You say the fragrant olive is pleasant and sweet; 

You praise their beauty,

Whether their harshness have you seen?

4. 红叶愁煞人,黄叶愁煞人。君可恋落叶,不可恋风尘。 

The red leaves make you sad, 

The yellow ones  too.

You long for the falling leaves,  

Keep away from the dusts.

5. 秋来易生愁,秋去亦生愁。秋天生红叶,只是不能留。 

When autumn comes my sadness rises,  

When autumn goes my sadness stays.

 Autumn turns leaves red,

Yet  it can't hold them.

6. 春天留不住,夏天留不住。秋天枫叶红,只是浸寒露。 

Spring has to go,  

Summer has to go,

Autumn reddens the maple leaves,  

And the frost cloaks them with dews.

7.  露从今夜寒,人从明日老。都是不相留,何必费辞藻。 

Dews grow colder since this night, 

One becomes older from tomorrow.

If  all could not stay forever,  

Then no sigh is needed.

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