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送交者: 福禄 2017年02月21日06:57:49 于 [五 味 斋] 发送悄悄话

‘Day Without Immigrants’ Protests Result In Over 100 Terminations

Ashley Pickens

One would think that in our nation’s current political climate a place of employment would be supportive of their subordinates exercising their first amendment rights against blatant government discrimination. Unfortunately, that’s not our reality.

When the “Day Without Immigrants” protests transpired last week, over one hundred employees were fired for participating in their “right to peaceably assemble” per the Constitution. The national movement was ignited by Donald Trump’s executive order regarding the immigrant ban.

Bradley Coatings, Inc. of Nolensville, TN is standing by their decision to terminate the employees who didn’t show up to work claiming that they had other reason to dismiss the designated twenty staff members.

Their attorney, Robert Peal, states: “Regretfully, and consistent with its prior communication to all its employees, BCI had no choice but to terminate these individuals. The reason these employees missed work — to engage in peaceful demonstrations — had nothing to do with BCI’s decision to terminate them.”

While Long Island’s Ben’s Kosher Delicatessen Restaurant & Caterers bore no shame in having the police escort out employees returning to work from the protests.

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