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ZT逃离马拉维:战火下的基督教逃亡者与穆斯林英雄 | 双语

Original 2017-06-19 纽约时报中文网NYT教育频道

Romeo Ranoco/Reuters


MARAWI, Philippines — Three Christian civilians said they had cowered in a basement for weeks while militants inspired by the Islamic State went door to door killing non-Muslims in the southern Philippine city of Marawi before fleeing for their lives at dawn Tuesday.


“We heard them shouting ‘Allahu akbar’ and asking neighbors about religion,” said Ian Torres, 25, a house painter who had come to Marawi for a job. “We could only hear them. If they could not answer questions about Quran verses, gunfire immediately followed.”

“我们听到他们一边大喊着‘真主至大’,一边问邻居信什么教,”25岁的伊恩·托雷斯(Ian Torres)说,他是个到马拉维市寻找工作的房子油漆工。“我们只能听到他们的声音。如果他们不能回答关于古兰经经文的问题,马上伴随而来的就是枪声。”

Their account, and others from people who have fled the battle zone in Marawi, starkly illustrate the brutal religious calculus of the militants as well as the heroic efforts of local Muslims who risked their lives to protect Christian friends and workers.


The militants, a coalition of local insurgent groups loyal to the Islamic State, began their assault on the city May 23, announcing their intent to create an Islamic caliphate in the Philippines’ only predominantly Muslim city. Since then, nearly 300 people have been killed, the military says.


There have been previous reports of the militants threatening or killing Christians, but it is not known how many have died. The military says 26 civilians have been killed, but the militants still control about a fifth of the city, and there may be other areas the military has not reached.


A propaganda video released by the Islamic State on Monday showed what was said to be the execution of six Christians in Marawi. However, it was not possible to verify that the scene was recorded there, and military officials cast doubt on the claim.


The three Christians who escaped Marawi were among a group of five laborers from Iligan City, about 25 miles to the north, who were hired to refurbish the house of a prominent Muslim trader in Marawi.


But what was supposed to be a routine job turned into a nightmare when they were trapped in hostile territory with Islamist militants hunting them down.


One of the men, Nick Andilig, 26, said about 50 militants suddenly appeared in the neighborhood where they were working, shouting “Allahu akbar” and displaying a black flag.

三人中26岁的尼克·安迪利格(Nick Andilig)说,约有50名武装分子突然出现在他们正在工作的城区,大喊着“真主至大”,并打着一面黑旗。

Felipe Villamor/The New York Times


“They claimed to be ISIS out on a mission to cleanse the city,” he said, using another name for the Islamic State. He said he thought that meant they would kill all non-Muslims in the area.


The fighters appeared to be in their 20s, wore face masks and head gear, and carried long firearms, Andilig said. Some arrived in a police car, which they had apparently stolen.


Andilig said their employer hid the workers in his basement. When the militants reached his door, the workers overheard him arguing with them.


“He told the gunmen that there were no Christians in the house,” Andilig said.


The militants eventually moved on to the next house. Then they heard shooting.


Andilig said he did not see the killings, but when he and his group eventually emerged from hiding, they saw several bodies with what appeared to be gunshot wounds.


“Our employer escaped earlier with another household staff,” he said. “He said he would come back for us but never made it. He was a good Muslim.”


That left the five workers, four men and a pregnant woman, trapped in the house.


For days they subsisted on food the owner had left behind, mostly canned goods and rice, but eventually that ran out. They began to leave the house on brief forays to scrounge for food, eating plants they found.


They were getting hungry, and the explosions outside, apparently from bombs dropped by military airplanes, had been getting louder.


“All of us decided to escape,” Andilig said. “But our companion, who is seven months pregnant, could not run along with us. She and her husband decided to stay.”


“We said we’d try to get rescue for them if we made it out. We also told ourselves that our fate was with the Lord.”


Noel Celis/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images


As dawn broke Tuesday, Andilig, Torres and Arman Langilan, 22, fled.

在周二破晓时,安迪利格、托雷斯和22岁的阿尔曼·朗吉兰(Arman Langilan)开始出逃。

“We told each other, whatever happens, happens,” Torres said. “If we get hit and die, that’s our fate. But we had to escape. Or at least die trying.”


They alternated between running and hiding in thick shrubs, eventually reaching the Agos River, which divides the city and separates the area controlled by the militants from that controlled by the Philippine military.


They tumbled down the banks as bullets fired by snipers sporting black bandannas whizzed over their heads. They plunged into the rushing water, hugging the banks until they saw a clearing, and climbed out on the other side.


They were found by the police wandering, tired and hungry, among the ruins of the city, which the fighting has transformed into a desolate landscape of pockmarked buildings and cratered structures.


At a government checkpoint, they told their stories to the police and to The New York Times.


All showed signs of trauma. Langilan spoke incoherently and shuddered when bombs from a passing military plane exploded in the distance. Andilig clutched a piece of cucumber, his only real food in days, and repeatedly said he needed a shower.


The fate of the two colleagues they left behind remains unknown. Attempts to reach them by mobile phone have been futile.


In another Marawi neighborhood, five Muslim police officers hid and protected five Christian construction workers for nearly three weeks.


Erik De Castro/Reuters


“We had our chance to flee because we are Muslims,” said Lumla Lidasan, one of the officers. “But as police officers we are mandated to protect the people. So we elected to stay because they will execute the Christian civilians.”

“我们有逃生的机会,因为我们是穆斯林,”其中一位名叫鲁姆拉·利达桑(Lumla Lidasan)警官说。“但作为警官,我们的使命就是保护人民。所以我们选择留下来,因为他们会杀死基督教平民。”

Lidasan said he and his colleagues were armed with long rifles, which allowed them to keep the militants at bay while the Christians hid in the basement. Outside, he said, he heard rockets and bombs exploding as the city was reduced to rubble.


“They are not real Muslims,” he said. “Real Muslims will not hurt people unprovoked, regardless of religion.”


One of the Christians, Rodel Aleko, 24, said the bombing runs shook their hiding place, but whenever he peered out the window he would see the gunmen still patrolling.

其中一名基督徒、24岁的罗德尔·阿列克(Rodel Aleko)说,他们在藏身之地能感觉到飞机不停的轰炸所产生的震动,但每当他往窗外看时,他都会看到持枪的人仍在巡逻。

A police officer, Ricky Alawi, said there were times that they thought it was going to be the end for all of them. He said they were in radio contact with the army, who told them that there would soon be a bombing run in their area. They decided to take a chance and leave that day, which was Monday.

一名叫里奇·阿拉维(Ricky Alawi)的警察说,有几次,他们觉得那将是他们所有人完蛋的时候。他说,他们与军方保持着无线电联系,军方告诉他们,很快会轰炸他们所在的地区。所以他们当天决定冒险离开那里,那是周一。

“As we were fleeing we saw bodies lying on the ground,” he said. “The gunmen were shooting at us as we ran toward the next building, where we stayed overnight. One of my colleagues and one of the civilians were injured.”


When there was a lull in the fighting, the group started slowly walking toward Banggolo Bridge but were stopped by a gunman. Alawi said he told the militant that his colleagues were too traumatized to speak.

当战火出现间歇时,这些人开始慢慢朝着班戈洛桥(Banggolo Bridge)步行,但一名枪手将他们拦住。阿拉维说,他告诉那个武装分子,他的同事们受了太多的精神创伤,说不出话来了。

“He told us to just wait because he would call his companions,” Alawi said. “When he left, we ran as fast as we could and crossed the bridge.”


Aleko was wounded when bomb shrapnel hit his left leg, he said, and the blasts were so loud that they may have permanently damaged his hearing.


But he could only feel grateful.


“This is our second life,” he said. “I thank God for these officers.”



翻译:Cindy Hao

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