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REALLY? DNC Chairman Tom Perez Claims Socialism Is What Makes Capitalism Work

Avatar by Aleister September 13, 2019 221 Comments

Democratic National Committee chairman Tom Perez has said some crazy things before now, but this is a whole new level of insanity.

Perez is trying to spin his party’s embrace of socialism into a good thing but it might make your eyes roll out of your head.

From the Washington Times:


DNC chair: Programs called socialism by GOP critics ‘make capitalism work’

Democratic National Committee chairman Tom Perez says that what Republicans call “socialism” actually makes “capitalism work for everyone.”

Mr. Perez sat down with Fox News’ Bret Baier Thursday evening in Houston to discuss the future of the Democratic Party.

The two men, having just watched ten presidential hopefuls spar on stage, discussed the divide between democratic socialists like Vermont Sen. Bernard Sanders and the more fiscally moderate former Vice President Joe Biden.

“You know Brett, socialism is the oldest trick in the book,” Mr. Perez said. “You’re a very good student of history. When Social Security was debated, when Medicare was debated, when the minimum wage was debated, Republican opponents of all of those three critical elements of our social compact said this is socialism. What Social Security and Medicare and the minimum wage have done is make capitalism work for everyone. And so, this is the oldest attack line in the book. Voters are smart. When you have coverage for people with a preexisting condition, I’d hardly call that socialism. I’d call that sound health policy and sound economic policy.”

The stupid is strong with this one. Who does he think he’s kidding?

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