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送交者: 福禄 2019年11月14日06:48:00 于 [五 味 斋] 发送悄悄话

China's main growth engines falter in October on trade frictions

 By Gabriel Crossley and Huizhong Wu,Reuters

BEIJING (Reuters) - China's factory output growth slowed significantly more than expected in October, as weakness in global and domestic demand and the drawn-out Sino-U.S. trade war weighed on broad segments of the world's second-largest economy.

Industrial production rose 4.7% year-on-year in October, data from the National Bureau of Statistics released on Thursday showed, below the median forecast of 5.4% growth in a Reuters poll and slower than September's 5.8%.

Indicators showed other sectors also slowed significantly and missed forecasts with retail sales growth back near a 16-year trough and fixed asset investment growth the weakest on record.

The disappointing numbers show China off to a rough start in the final three months of 2019 and will bolster calls for Beijing to roll out fresh support after third quarter growth slowed to its weakest in almost three decades, with factory production bruised by the trade war with Washington.

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