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Crying wolf
送交者: jingchen 2020年02月25日11:36:27 於 [五 味 齋] 發送悄悄話

Crying wolf

Long long ago, sheep would eat grass at the meadows and kids would look after them nearby. Most of the time, the meadows were very peaceful. Occasionally, some wolfs run down from the top of the hill and bite some sheep. The kids would cry wolf and the adults nearby would come to drive the wolves away. Usually, some sheep were bitten or carried away before the adults could drive the wolves away.

David was one of the shepherd kids. One day he suggested, “Maybe we can stay at the top of the hill. In that way, we can see the wolves when they are far away. We can warn the adults earlier.” But the top of the hill was further away from where the adults were staying. The other kids felt that it was too risky to go there.

In the end, David went to the top of the hill alone. The rest of the kids were taking a good rest at the meadows down there. Endless forest grew from the bottom of the other side of the hill. It was quiet and lonely at the top of the hill. Soon David got very bored. He wish he had sticked with the group so he could play with the other kids. But he knew sooner or later wolves would show up. He would be able to alert others earlier.

For some time, there were no signs of wolves. Probably the sight of David on the hill deterred the wolves. They went to other meadows for easier meals. But after a long time, some wolves came back, attempting to take a chance. When David first saw a large pack of wolves appearing at the edge of the forest, he got really scared. There were no sheep around him. The hungry wolves might attack him directly. He shouted, “Wolf! Wolf!” The adults heard his shouting and rushed out to help. The wolves, upon hearing the noises, turned back into the forest immediately.

After several months, some other wolves appeared by the edge of the forest. David shouted for help. The adults rushed out, seeing no wolves. They noticed that it was David crying wolf again.

Later, some wolves came back to seek their lucks. When they appeared at the edge of the woods, David invariably shouted for help. The response from the adults got less and less enthusiastic. Eventually, the wolves noticed no one responded to the crying of David anymore.

Then a pack of the wolves rush toward the top of the hill. Initially, David thought the wolves might back away eventually, like so many times before. But as the wolves got closer and closer, David got panic. He rushed down toward the meadow. He shouted at the top of his lung, “Wolf! Wolf!” But no one bothered to check.

The wolves followed him, edged him. However, they didn’t attack him. Instead, they went after the sheep directly. When the adults finally came out, the wolves already killed and carried away several sheep. The shepherd were very mad. They scolded David, “Now the wolves really come. But how can we trust you after you lied to us so many times.”

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