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送交者: 天边的红霞 2020年03月25日14:34:51 于 [五 味 斋] 发送悄悄话


【Aiden in English】

        As individuals, we are fragile. But together, we become strong. Sticks in a bundle are unbreakable. That is how the Guanghua Chinese School dedicates to teach Chinese and promote Chinese traditional culture, for many people are reaching out to keep our unique heritage going.

        The Guanghua Chinese School is a non-profit organization located in Greater Philadelphia, PA. Its activities entirely rely on our generous financial supporters to bring our culture and heritage alive. The donations, volunteering, and support have made a significant difference and inched us forward to what is now a great Chinese community.

        In the past year, the Guanghua Chinese School succeeds through the combined support of tuition, business, community, and parents like you! It's your continued financial support that helps to keep our school a vital and important community resource. In order to enrich the next generation's lives and provide reward for their future, you as parents not only have sacrificed priceless time, but have contributed hundreds or even thousands of dollars out of your own pockets. Some of them donated $600 in cash and requested his company, Merck to match his contribution every year, while the other pledged an amount of $1300 via Dow Chemical Co. at once this year. Your time and dollars allow our school to bring the best engaging, intellectual, and educational programs for 776 kids who attend the Guanghua Chinese School.

        The Guanghua Chinese School thrives by people helping each other, giving things up, to learn or teach the fundamentals. Every little helps a nickel. That's why we are getting stronger with your continued support and financial aids.






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