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4th Grade Spring Concert(四年級年春季音樂會)
送交者: 天邊的紅霞 2020年03月25日16:06:55 於 [五 味 齋] 發送悄悄話


【Aiden in English】

        The Spring Concert is the biggest events of the Montgomery-Bridle Path band. It's an hour (or so) long and a fabulous performance, featuring the band and chorus. The beginning was really intense because everyone was filled with anticipation for the show.

        Our band was pretty big for two elementary schools. There were oboes, clarinets, saxophones, flutes, French horns just to name a few of woodwind and brass instruments. I played an alto sax, and it's a ton of fun. As I walked into the gym where the show took place, the audience screamed. Some parents seemed as if they didn't know their own children played an instrument and shouted in amazement. We sat in fashion. Without further ado, the show began on time.

        The band played 7 songs. Out of all, a song called "Rising Star" stood out greatly. It had a charming melody based on simplicity. When the instruments all played simple notes in harmony, the song became a masterpiece. However, it had a competitor challenged by "When the Koalas Do the Conga with the Kangaroos". As a matter of fact, two songs were completely opposite in tempo. "Rising Star" appeared to be slower or moderato and serious, while "When the Koalas Do the Conga with the Kangaroos" was a lot faster or allegro and added a comedy element to its musical. It also featured percussion with an assortment of hilarious components like a car horn.

        We aced all our parts. It sounded as if the band turned into one person and every note was played in perfect unison, which I felt amazed! We finished our piece with only a few minor incidences that couldn't be noticed by the audience unless they had musical experience. Unfortunately, it might be my last concert for a while. Next year, Algebra I in math took up a lot of my extracurricular activities in the morning. So if it's true, then my first Spring Concert will be a great memory that lasts a looonng time.



        我們樂隊由兩個小學組成,陣容十分可觀,包括雙簧管、單簧管、 薩克斯管、長笛、圓號等若干木銅管樂器。我演奏中音薩克斯管,樂趣無窮。當走進體育館樂隊席後,我發現觀眾熱情高漲,有些家長好像從來搞不清自己孩子演奏何種樂器,歡呼聲喝彩聲連成一片。大家列隊依次入座,神情自若,演出按時開始。



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