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5th Olympic Day(五年级奥林匹克节)
送交者: 天边的红霞 2020年03月27日11:20:10 于 [五 味 斋] 发送悄悄话


【Aiden in English】

      Public elementary schools in US are no place to run a 200-meter dash, swim a 100-yard sprint, throw a 20-pound javelin, or any Olympic events. So this Friday prior to the Memorial Day Long Weekend, to have the same excitement as the real Olympics, Montgomery ES hosted an Olympic Day. Our gym teacher, Mr. Theodore, then created 8 original games for the whole school to play and all 4 teams were picked to play against one another.

      I was on Team Red, which was my fourth year in a row. As soon as the games began, my confidence dropped like a stone. Many of my team members were girls and most of them seemed to more focus on the music and dancing than the games. In fact, I got to go two times more than the girls. But I wasn't really interested in the games either. What made me enjoy myself was simply competing against friends. It was nice to have organized games to play for fun, yet aim at a goal to strive for the 1st place.

      Speaking of No. 1, the final score was: Black, 1036; Red, 1048; Green, 1098; Blue, 1118. Coincidentally, Blue won last year too. As I said, however, it was more about having fun and competing with friends, both in which I had a lot.






(All Photos Courtesy of Mr. Dadarwala)】

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