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2014 NPSD Art Show(2014年北宾州学区艺术展)
送交者: 天边的红霞 2020年03月27日12:37:11 于 [五 味 斋] 发送悄悄话


【Aiden in English】

        Every year, an art show is held at the North Penn High School. There's music, refreshments, and you guessed it, art which was represented from kindergarten to the 12th grade of North Penn School District (NPSD).

        I'm only in 5th grade. Since my artwork wasn't as amazing as a 10th or 11th graders, it was hung in the gym where not a lot of people would travel all the way across the galleries.

        I drew a yellow minion from “Despicable Me” with crayons. The minion seemed more appealing to me than the other creatures, simply because it played as a stupid, yet hilarious role in the movie. Frankly speaking, it was nowhere near as cool as the artworks in the galleries. The galleries held true masterpieces. If I had to say who drew it, my answer would be pros. All the paintings had texture and shading perfect; the clay so detailed that it would look like in real life; and the pictures were simply sensational. Hopefully someday I could catch up with drawing, painting, and molding just like the 10th-12th graders.





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