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Spring Soccer Game III(春季足球之三)
送交者: 天边的红霞 2020年03月28日10:48:28 于 [五 味 斋] 发送悄悄话


【Aiden in English】

        The Spring Soccer season's teams are too unbalanced. You have the not-so-goods against the amazings. My team of Green Grass would qualify for the not-so-good, and the black team of Night Hawks would fall into the amazing. But after today's game, I'm having the second thought about it.

        The beginning wasn't so bad. At one point, we were in the lead but that lasted a few seconds due to the black team's muscle: Alan. He looked like a giant around 5'8"/1.76 meters and could kill the ball two times as far as the field. I felt it because I was a goalie. He had no mercy and blasted the ball into the goal. I appeared to be lucky enough to catch one and deflected another. In the end, however, my inexperience caught up and let in two goals. At the half time the score was 2-1 Black, a firm lead.

        Just as the 2nd half, began, our goalie let in a goal, widening the lead. When you think the Green Grass had given up, we charged back. At one point, we were shooting every minute. Bang! We scored, but it wasn't enough. No, and it stayed that way till the end of the game, 3-2 Black. Even though we lost, the number was close. Since Black kept undefeated among four teams, it meant that we could actually put up a fight.





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