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Last Day of 5th Grade(五年級最後一天)
送交者: 天邊的紅霞 2020年03月29日07:42:26 於 [五 味 齋] 發送悄悄話


【Aiden in English】

        I have a broken-heart to say my goodbyes to the 5th grade. It was one of my best years ever and Mr. Holloran, my amazing teacher, was so spectacular that he always encouraged us to do our best. But most of all, the 5th grade was the most awesome in developing a better sense of responsibilities and empowering ourselves to become the independent learners.

        This year, I certainly uncovered some real and fabulous skills. For example, my writing ideas excelled far more creative than the 4th grade, and the way I expressed myself looked much better. As a result, my writing pieces flourished with deliverance and passion. So much that I began writing a blog and looked for my voice.

        What also truly thrilled me was the speed that I wrote. Twelve months earlier, I would stress over a tractate from hours to weeks. Now an essay could be completed in 30-40 minutes, which was a significant achievement.

        Speaking of speed, my confidence in math often transferred into careless errors. I have to understand what Ms. Kornstein, my math teacher, pointed out. Sometimes it is not about how fast I solve a math problem. As a matter of fact, it is about the problem solving process and accuracy. One quick error can have a scaffolding effect, particularly in Algebra. 

        Nevertheless, this is also why I really loved the 5th grade. However, there is no time to cry over it because of a whole summer of fun ahead.

        Happy summer!!









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