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Baltimore Natl.Aquarium,MD(马里兰州巴尔的摩国家水族馆)
送交者: 天边的红霞 2020年03月29日07:59:49 于 [五 味 斋] 发送悄悄话



【Aiden in English】

        I was sick and tired of Ocean City in MD, and so was Dad. That's when Dad had a brilliant idea to visit Baltimore and its aquarium, the largest in the nation. I agreed at once and we bolted for the car.

        There was so much for a brilliant idea. The price doubled from the last time I'd been here.

        As I walked into the building, I noticed that there weren’t many real exciting things to do like feed fish or touch them. Instead, there were boards of information that I barely even tried to read. Even the dolphin show was gone and the show replaced with a training demo since some trainers got killed by the trainees or dolphins during training routines. It became more controversial than ever before, though. Now only a few aquariums in the US were still hosting the dolphin shows. People also thought that it resulted in animal abuse because some animals may not like performing, which I understood. Something inside me also felt grateful of the people who noticed the animal's right and emotion.

        What slapped me in the face was that when I was young, this aquarium was one of my most favorite places. Back then, I thought it was filled with wonders of the sea. And I still think so now, except Baltimore Natl. Aquarium kinda lost its luster. Probably because I expect more as I grow up, but whatever reason it is, I'm not going back.






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