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2014 World Cup—Brazil vs. German(巴西对德国世界杯足球赛)
送交者: 天边的红霞 2020年04月01日14:53:17 于 [五 味 斋] 发送悄悄话


【Aiden in English】

        Brazil has never lost a game at home and always have beaten or tied every team since 1971. But that's all about to change. On this semifinal match against Germany, Brazil's pure confidence is turned into dark defeat in World Cup.

        The first 30 minutes became a nightmare for Brazil. Every few minutes, Germany pounded a ball into the goal. The Germans seemed to be running around the Brazilian defenders as though they weren't there. In fact, I don't think they were there. More importantly, it looked as if Brazil wasn't even trying. That's where Neymar stepped in. He was the only weapon in the shooting. Whenever he got the ball, a miracle happened. He did the impossible like a superhero in football. Since Neymar has suffered a fractured vertebrae backbone, he's out of the remaining games. That's why I think Brazil isn't the best team in the world. They depend on Neymar way too much. Without him, Brazil behaves like the USA. And Team USA isn't exactly a good one either.

        After a long torturous game, Brazil ended up losing 1-7. Today, Germany played very well and will be one step closer to hoisting the World Cup trophy into the air on the coming Sunday. Sooner or later, Brazil may figure out why there's no "I" in the "team". Soccer is a team sport and can't count on an individual's success.





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