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YMCA Camp—Outdoor Pool-II(基督教青年会营戏水池之二)
送交者: 天边的红霞 2020年04月01日15:34:29 于 [五 味 斋] 发送悄悄话

【Aiden in English】

        The 4th Street Pool in Lansdale is probably one of the best community pools ever. Last time, I couldn't go on the best slide there because no one would offer the qualified test. Today, a counselor gave me the test, and it was easier than easy. I swam around 50 yards/45.7 meters, then treaded water for two minutes. As soon as I passed, I bolted for the blue slide.

        The blue slide drops a child into the deep end from 3 feet/0.9 meters up in the air. It is so cool. I was instantly addicted and probably the closest I would ever come to flying. And at the very moment you drop, your body seems to float in slow motion. Every time, the ride made me feel better and I would even call it relaxing. We also challenged our friends to race down two slides side by side. I can't say I was the fastest, but certainly not the slowest.

        Just as fast as we flew out of the slide, time flied too. In what felt like minutes, it went from 1:15 to 2:45 pm. All things have an end, so unfortunately, this one came to an end, whether I liked it or not.





2013-07-21_Band Test-30001.JPG

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