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Eyes: A Horror Game(恐怖之眼)
送交者: 天边的红霞 2020年04月03日17:49:43 于 [五 味 斋] 发送悄悄话


Aiden in English

        Nightmares come from the mind. Our imaginations create these horrifying scenes from the unknown. Ghosts are commonly in nightmares, due to their mystery and being used to scare. Darkness is also the main feature that makes a nightmare terrifying. If you have nightmares like this often as I do, the video game Eyes is probably not a good one for you.

        Like a nightmare, Eyes is the first person perspective horror game on iPhone. Since you're a robber, the objective is to collect a certain amount of money bags and get out of the abandoned house in one piece. The game would be easy if only you are searching for money bags in pitch-black darkness. However, a ghost is hunting you. FYI: No matter if the difficulty is set on normal or hard, the ghost is always faster than you are. Luckily, she, the ghost, can't go through doors and throughout the house are pictures of eyes. Collect them to see what the ghost sees. In that way, you're not totally blind.

        Eyes are a scary game and really full of fun even though it gives you a lot of creeps. So try it, IF YOU DARE!






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