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送交者: 天边的红霞 2020年04月03日17:54:51 于 [五 味 斋] 发送悄悄话


Aiden in English

        Pokémon is so famous that every kid at the summer camp have been absorbed into the video game. They are intelligent animals that populate the world, and the player may catch one with a PokéBall. Once caught, it may be used to battle other Pokémon and trainers. Pokémon have levels, too. Each time a Pokémon defeats another one and XP (experience points) is given to the winner after collecting the required amount of XP to level up, the Pokémon's Attack, Special Attack, Defense, Special Defense, Speed, HP (Health Points) and Evasiveness increases. And sometimes, the Pokémon can learn new Attack moves or even evolve into a cooler Pokémon.

        The best part about the Pokémon is that you may battle, use O-Powers, and trade Pokémon when other players are around. Trading is the number one. By bargaining, a player is able to exchange a Pokémon for a different one from another player. Some Pokémon evolves during trades, too.

        I think Pokémon is the 2nd best game in the world (Minecraft's 1st). You know why? Because it takes no skill what-so-ever!





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