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YMCA Camp—Flag Football-1(夺旗式美式足球之一)
送交者: 天边的红霞 2020年04月03日18:01:33 于 [五 味 斋] 发送悄悄话


Aiden in English

        You can't come to a Sports Summer Camp and don't want to play football. That's just how it is, no matter whether there is two-hand touch, flag, or tackle (hopefully not). Football is everywhere. So today, I played flag football two hours straight.

        First of all, flag football is about pulling the belt off on the person's waist. No injuries, except for pulled muscles and cramps, should happen, and no blitzes or QB sneaks are allowed. Even though flag football is fun, there are some setbacks. For one, if a receiver catches a ball, his flag must be pulled. However, the flag is a moving strip of which is extremely hard to grab. If you're quick to react (like I am), then it won't be a problem to juke defenders. Especially if you jump, that loses everyone. Today's best play was probably when a kid named Chris (nicknamed Cheatcode) caught a hail-mary pass, did a 180 like a pro, and zipped between two defenders as if they weren't there. It became the most amazing play of my life other than the NFL.

        Football is probably the coolest sport ever. Abilities are tested, and only the strong will rise.





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