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YMCA Camp—Outdoor Pool-3(基督教青年会营户外戏水池之三)
送交者: 天边的红霞 2020年04月03日18:04:35 于 [五 味 斋] 发送悄悄话

Aiden in English

        Ahh... there's nothing like a cool swim in the pool during an extremely hot day, is there? Let me tweak that sentence a bit. First off, today wasn't exactly extremely hot, and the pool was cooler than cool. Away cooler, you could say freezing, too. The instant I bit the water, it seemed as if I hit a brick-wall. The feeling was that bad. After 10 seconds in the pool, my feet and hands were numb. Tiny needles seemed to jab into my body, and I felt like I caught hypothermia. That's how cold it was. I jumped out immediately and my friends could be called me the chicken all they wanted, but I was just not going back in.

        Eventually I jumped in again, but still not a good choice to go swimming today. In fact, by now none of the days when I was at the pool has been hot in Greater Philadelphia, PA. Well, it looks as if this summer is shaping up pretty poorly for outdoor water-play so far.





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