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The Punchliner on Canival(嘉年华·妙语连珠)
送交者: 天边的红霞 2020年04月05日08:23:38 于 [五 味 斋] 发送悄悄话


2014-08-04_Maya Ruins-10001.JPG

Aiden in English

        I love comedies. There funny, entertaining, what's not to like about there? And what show is better than the famous Punchliner? The show is a combination of the best entertainers across America. It was started by George Lopez, and he decided to work with Carnival Cruise Lines. Obviously, when I heard about the Punchliner Show on board, I bolted to the next performance.

        The Punchliner became the best comedy ever. Unfortunately, it was the 2nd to last day, so this was the only show I was going to watch. I wasn't disappointed as expected. The comedian, Christ Wiles, was awesome. His jokes were funny for everyone, and my favorite joke was when the guy said the one time he got in a bar brawl. He challenged a man twice his size and said they'd meet in the parking lot in 10 minutes to "settle this like men". That' when he mentioned that he fought to live, not for fun, so he cheated to win. Back in the parking lot, the two men met and so the comedian hit the other dude...... with his car. That story had me laughing till I was hoarse. And his Elmo falsetto voice from Sesame Street was pretty good, too.

        Like I said, it was the last show and I would even pay for another performance. But for some reason, I have a feeling that this won't be my last time seeing the Punchliner.                       




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