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Auld Lang Syne(友谊地久天长)
送交者: 天边的红霞 2020年04月06日14:47:03 于 [五 味 斋] 发送悄悄话


Aiden in English

        I have never seen a true friend leave my life so far. Sure, classmates moved and acquaintances left, but never friends. And today, a girl named Crystal said her goodbyes.

        Crystal and I became the best buds at the preschool in Bright Horizon Child Learning Center, PA shortly after she moved from CA and I was relocated from NJ. Day in and day out, we enjoyed playing together and had a fun as time went by. When entering a different grade in the different elementary school districts, we had barely any contact like strangers. For some reasons, we seemed to stay connected. Both of us attached the same professional piano teacher Lena Chen for years. But our lessons were so far apart that we hardly knew where we were until we ran into one another for a recital at least once a year.

        About two years ago, she left with her parents for China and then it went back to being strangers again. As much as we didn't see face to face a lot, our families have kept in touch over the years. Yet my mom and Peter, Crystal's dad, used to work in the same building for the same company. Both moms were friends and did their volunteer work together for Guang Hua Chinese School and our local community. I have inherited some extra clothes from Jesse, Crystal's elder brother.

        Now Crystal came back briefly for her summer break in US and will set foot on the other part of the world. Somewhere in me, I recognized her just like her old self. I'm 99% certain that we're not gonna see each other again, well, at least for a long time.

        I've never lost a friend before. Now that I'm about to. I can't stand to see another friend go because I know the pain in losing a friend. Losing a friend is not cool. They're a piece of you. And as they leave, that piece goes with them, gone for good.

            Should auld acquaintance be forgot,

            and never brought to mind?

            Should auld acquaintance be forgot,

            for the sake of auld lang syne.





        如今家纯回美短期度假,夏季过后很快又将踏上回归地球对面的征程, 天各一方。久别重逢之时,我依稀辨认出她儿时的容貌,我敢打赌,百分之九十九确定,今后彼此难得再见,至少在很长的日子里。






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