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YMCA Camp─Flag Football-2(基督教青年会营夺旗式美式足球之二)
送交者: 天边的红霞 2020年04月06日15:16:39 于 [五 味 斋] 发送悄悄话


Aiden in English

        I'm not a team leader. No way in sports. So when I was appointed as the team captain of a flag football in my summer camp, I felt one of the other kids should have been chosen. For one, I'm not the fastest kid in the world. Two, the other three team captains seemed to be fast as lightning, not to mention the background knowledge about football. Three, an experienced player was sitting right next to me in my team. So now, after I've said all that, let's talk about some good things that happened today.

        An accidental touchdown! When I meant "accidental", I mean a crazy, awkward, not planned to touchdown. And it all had to do with Jonathan, the kindergartener. The play from scrimmage took place when Jonathan caught a pitch at about the one-inch line. But instead of getting a touchdown, he threw it backwards like a lateral. Surprisingly, another teammate was able to catch it and scored a touchdown.

        Football is a crazy game itself. Anything can happen anywhere at anytime, even if it's an inch away from a touchdown.






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